Dobrodošli! (Welcome!)

Odlučila sam staviti i ovaj blog u funkciju, iz poštovanja prema svim posjetiteljima koji ne mogu ostavljati komentare na matičnom blogu . Nadam se da ću imati dovoljno vremena za dvostruko uređivanje.

I decided to put this blog to function, out of respect to all the visitors who can not leave comments on the blog home. I hope to have enough time for double editing.

subota, 19. siječnja 2013.

(Ne) samo čestitka - (Not) just a card

U očekivanju nadolazećeg Valentinova odlučila sam se za izradu čestitki koje nisu čestitke! Dala sam im funkciju malih slika na stalku. Ovaj put sam izbjegla pravljenje standardnih papirnatih okvira. Umjesto toga quilling  crveni "okvir" kao dodatak.
I važna napomena, motivi na čestitkama inspirirani su prekrasnim i duhovitim čestitkama drage quillerice Szalonaise .
S njezinim dopuštenjem nastale su ove kreacije. Hvala Iza!

 In anticipation of the upcoming Valentine's Day, I decided to create  cards that are not just cards! I gave them the function of small images on the stand. This time I avoided making a standard paper frames. Instead, quilling red "frame" as a supplement.
 And an important note, the motifs on the cards are inspired by the beautiful and witty cards from dear quiller Szalonaisa. With her ​​permission, I made this. Thank you Iza!

Broj komentara: 25:

  1. You're welcome Gordana!! Your pictures are gorgeous, and completely different from mine :D I'm glad that my quilling can be an inspiration to others quillers :)this is my new blog, the name is easier to remember :)

    1. Thank you Iza! As we have already mentioned, it does not matter because the cards are different - the basic idea is yours! Hugs!

  2. Oooohh...cute...cute..!! very pretty creation Gordana..

  3. cuteeee expressive cards...Love it!!!!

  4. Ljubav, ah ta ljubav... :)
    Preslatki su!

  5. Great work, Gordana! One card cutter than the other!


  6. Divno! zaista lep rad, kvalitetan vidi se :) samo napred!!!

    Pozdrav, Marija
    moj blog

  7. Nisam romantična duša ali ovo.... otopila se!

  8. Ovo je savršen poklon :)

  9. They a so cute - all of them - very alive! There is emotion and action you Valentien's cards!


Hvala vam što ste navratili. Bilo bi lijepo da ostavite komentar. To je putokaz za moj daljnji rad.
Ako vas moji radovi inspiriraju i poželite napraviti slično, molim vas da pitate za dopuštenje iz poštovanja prema autoru.

Thank you for stopping by. It would be nice to leave a comment. It is a guideline for my future work.
If any of my work inspire you and you want to make a similar, please ask for permission to respect the author.

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