Dobrodošli! (Welcome!)

Odlučila sam staviti i ovaj blog u funkciju, iz poštovanja prema svim posjetiteljima koji ne mogu ostavljati komentare na matičnom blogu . Nadam se da ću imati dovoljno vremena za dvostruko uređivanje.

I decided to put this blog to function, out of respect to all the visitors who can not leave comments on the blog home. I hope to have enough time for double editing.

petak, 18. siječnja 2013.

Nagrada - Award

Danas sam primila još jednu blog nagradu od drage prijateljice Marije. To se tako lijepo poklopilo sa jučerašnjom godišnjicom!

 Today I received another blog award from a dear friend Maria. It is so nice to have coincided with yesterday's anniversary!
Моята снимка

Hvala Maria! (Thanks Maria)

E sad, trebalo je odabrati 7 blogova sa 50-tak sjedbenika (dakle malih blogova) i proslijediti im nagradu. Srećom, slijedim i male i nove blogove samo ih je trebalo pronaći u mojem velikom popisu.

Now, I had to choose 7 blogs with less than 50 followers (so, small blogs) and forward them the prize. Fortunately,  I follow  small and new blogs, just had to find them in my big list. However, one of them is a little crossed the default number, but what about now?

Dakle, istražite ove blogove i slijedite ih. Svakako su zaslužili!

 So, explore these blogs and follow them. Certainly they deserve it!

 Dakle, nagrada je "inspiracija".
 Želim vam svima puno uspjeha, entuzijazma i inspiracije. Ovim putem vam iskazujem moje poštovanje prema vašem radu!

So, the award means "inspiration"'!
Whish you success, enthusiasm and a lot of inspiration to all of you! In this way I show my appreciation and
love to your beautiful work!

- thank to the person that gave you award
- put a link of her  blog  in your blog  
- put in your blog the logo of the award
- give the award to 7 blogs with less than 50 members
- put a links to this blogs
- inform these people that they received the award
- write 7 thing (facts) for youself 

I na kraju 7 stvari o meni: (hmmmm) 

And finally, 7 things about me: (hmmmm) 

1. Jako sam tolerantna osoba I'm very tolerant person
2. Jako mi smeta nepravda i nepoštenje -  I'm very bothered by injustice and dishonesty
3. Ne dijelim ljude prema boji kože, porijeklu ili religiji - I do not divide people by skin color, origin or religion
4. Nestrpljiva sam i zahtjevna - I'm impatient and demanding
5. Bojim se da neću imati vremena za sve što želim - I am afraid that I will not have time for everything I want
6. Skeptična -  Skeptic
7. Volim samoću i tišinu - I like to be alone, and I love the silence

Broj komentara: 10:

  1. Čestitam na nagradici, baš je lijepa!

  2. Thank you very much for this award's my first blog award and it was a nice surprise:)

  3. Thnks Gordana I m honoured to recive the award . Its my first blog award ,m soo happy .Right now I m out of country Ill be back on 27th and do the needful.
    Chandana Bhattacharaya

  4. You're welcome Chandana! Good luck on your journey and a safe return home!

  5. Oops! Who might that be??
    Thanks so much Gordana for the appreciation!
    Wishing you lots of inspiration and best of luck to all that is dear to you.

    Love & Light & PaperSpirals,

  6. Hello, i am Anna from Greece and i found out your blog via Anama Lily /paperspirals.
    I also have a blog which is called and my facebook page is Myandorablelife. I write posts about creative people and their creative ideas. I am about to pyblish my very first book which is a fairy tale and as far as i paint i have made the illustration. I would like to ask you if i could write a post about your creations and of course mention your blog.
    In case you agree please answer back, my email is Thank you An


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Ako vas moji radovi inspiriraju i poželite napraviti slično, molim vas da pitate za dopuštenje iz poštovanja prema autoru.

Thank you for stopping by. It would be nice to leave a comment. It is a guideline for my future work.
If any of my work inspire you and you want to make a similar, please ask for permission to respect the author.

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