Dobrodošli! (Welcome!)

Odlučila sam staviti i ovaj blog u funkciju, iz poštovanja prema svim posjetiteljima koji ne mogu ostavljati komentare na matičnom blogu . Nadam se da ću imati dovoljno vremena za dvostruko uređivanje.

I decided to put this blog to function, out of respect to all the visitors who can not leave comments on the blog home. I hope to have enough time for double editing.

četvrtak, 24. siječnja 2013.

Animal love

Još malo čestitki - okvirića. Motivi životinjica. Neki već viđeni (opet, hvala Iza), neki drugačiji.
I opet bez standardnog papirnatog okvira. Poigrala sam se sa novim MS puncherom i ovo je rezultat.

A little bit of "table" cards - frame. Animal motifs. Some have already seen ( thanks again Iza), some different.
Again, no standard paper frame. I played around with the new MS puncher and this is the result.

 Mice love

Dogs love
 Fishes love

Cats love (thanks Iza)

Pogled sa strane ( side view)

subota, 19. siječnja 2013.

(Ne) samo čestitka - (Not) just a card

U očekivanju nadolazećeg Valentinova odlučila sam se za izradu čestitki koje nisu čestitke! Dala sam im funkciju malih slika na stalku. Ovaj put sam izbjegla pravljenje standardnih papirnatih okvira. Umjesto toga quilling  crveni "okvir" kao dodatak.
I važna napomena, motivi na čestitkama inspirirani su prekrasnim i duhovitim čestitkama drage quillerice Szalonaise .
S njezinim dopuštenjem nastale su ove kreacije. Hvala Iza!

 In anticipation of the upcoming Valentine's Day, I decided to create  cards that are not just cards! I gave them the function of small images on the stand. This time I avoided making a standard paper frames. Instead, quilling red "frame" as a supplement.
 And an important note, the motifs on the cards are inspired by the beautiful and witty cards from dear quiller Szalonaisa. With her ​​permission, I made this. Thank you Iza!

petak, 18. siječnja 2013.

Nagrada - Award

Danas sam primila još jednu blog nagradu od drage prijateljice Marije. To se tako lijepo poklopilo sa jučerašnjom godišnjicom!

 Today I received another blog award from a dear friend Maria. It is so nice to have coincided with yesterday's anniversary!
Моята снимка

Hvala Maria! (Thanks Maria)

E sad, trebalo je odabrati 7 blogova sa 50-tak sjedbenika (dakle malih blogova) i proslijediti im nagradu. Srećom, slijedim i male i nove blogove samo ih je trebalo pronaći u mojem velikom popisu.

Now, I had to choose 7 blogs with less than 50 followers (so, small blogs) and forward them the prize. Fortunately,  I follow  small and new blogs, just had to find them in my big list. However, one of them is a little crossed the default number, but what about now?

Dakle, istražite ove blogove i slijedite ih. Svakako su zaslužili!

 So, explore these blogs and follow them. Certainly they deserve it!

 Dakle, nagrada je "inspiracija".
 Želim vam svima puno uspjeha, entuzijazma i inspiracije. Ovim putem vam iskazujem moje poštovanje prema vašem radu!

So, the award means "inspiration"'!
Whish you success, enthusiasm and a lot of inspiration to all of you! In this way I show my appreciation and
love to your beautiful work!

- thank to the person that gave you award
- put a link of her  blog  in your blog  
- put in your blog the logo of the award
- give the award to 7 blogs with less than 50 members
- put a links to this blogs
- inform these people that they received the award
- write 7 thing (facts) for youself 

I na kraju 7 stvari o meni: (hmmmm) 

And finally, 7 things about me: (hmmmm) 

1. Jako sam tolerantna osoba I'm very tolerant person
2. Jako mi smeta nepravda i nepoštenje -  I'm very bothered by injustice and dishonesty
3. Ne dijelim ljude prema boji kože, porijeklu ili religiji - I do not divide people by skin color, origin or religion
4. Nestrpljiva sam i zahtjevna - I'm impatient and demanding
5. Bojim se da neću imati vremena za sve što želim - I am afraid that I will not have time for everything I want
6. Skeptična -  Skeptic
7. Volim samoću i tišinu - I like to be alone, and I love the silence

četvrtak, 17. siječnja 2013.

Prva godišnjica "blogiranja" - First Anniversary of "blogging"

Eto, danas je prva godišnjica mojeg "blogerskog" života. Tako je brzo prošlo ovo vrijeme da se nisam ni pripremila sa nekom "retrospektivom". Za one koji nisu upućeni, započela sam na drugoj adresi na kojoj, na žalost, većina mojih dragih prijatelja iz svijeta nije bila u mogućnosti ostaviti komentare (neke tehničke poteškoće).
Iz tog razloga sam otvorila ovaj blog, koji nije dugo u  pravoj funkciji, ali daje puno bolje mogućnosti svima.
Nedavno sam odlučila da ću sve buduće objave ostavljati samo na ovoj adresi (da si ne kompliciram život), tako da će matični blog postojati radi ranijih radova objavljenih na njemu, ali neće biti "aktivan".

Tako, dozvoljavam si slobodu, pa zbrajam objave sa obje adrese, jer sam tako dugo prisutna među vama.

Početak je bio neočekivan i pomalo težak. Slučajno sam naišla na quillig (tražeći nešto sasvim drugo) i zaljubila se na prvi pogled u to prekrasno šarenilo raznih oblika napravljenih od papira. Odmah sam pokušala pronaći neke informacije o quillingu u Hrvatskoj. Rezultat je bio nikakav. Nitko se javno nije ovim bavio. Nije mi preostalo ništa drugo nego tražiti "po svijetu". Provela sam sate i sate tražeći uputstva za početnike, istraživala tuđe blogove i YouTube, napravila "home made" alat, narezala stotine trakica skalpelom. Nisam odustala iako se činilo kao nemoguća misija.

Od početka sam bila zadovoljna mojim radovima. Uvijek sam u sebi nosila neku dozu kreativnosti, ali ju nisam koristila previše. Željela sam moje kreacije pokazati svijetu. Kako? Tko je uopće znao za moj blog? Ali ja sam znala za mnoge prekrasne blogove koji su bili moj izvor znanja! Ljubazno sam ostavila komentare na tim blogovima sa molbom da posjete moju adresu. Mnogi su se odazvali i tako je krenulo. Malo po malo, sve više komentara, sve više poticaja, sve više dragih prijatelja.

Kao i na početku, želim zahvaliti svim tim divnim i susretljivim ljudima na pomoći i savjetima. Njihova nesebičnost u dijeljenju znanja učinila je moj život boljim i ljepšim.
Njihove blogove možete naći u popisu blogova koje pratim, a samo neki od njih su prikazani u mojoj listi favorita.
Uz sve ovo, uključila sam se na FB i upoznala još više ljudi. Komunikacija je tamo lakša i brža, pa blogovi možda "izlaze i mode". Ipak se nadam da ćemo opstati i nastaviti zajedno.

Quilling je uljepšao moj život i mogu samo žaliti što ga nisam ranije otkrila.

Želim sebi i vama još mnogo kreativnih godina.


Well, today is the first anniversary of my "blog"  life. That passed quickly that I did not even prepared with a "retrospective". For those who do not know, I started at another address at which, unfortunately, most of my dear friends from the world was not able to leave comments (some technical difficulties).

That is why I opened this blog, which is not long in the actual function, but gives a much better position to respond.
I recently decided that I'll just leave future publication on this site (not to complicate my life). Previous blog will exist because of previous works published on it, but it will not be "active".

So, I shall allow myself, and add up  the publications of both addresses, because I am with you for so long.

The beginning was a bit unexpected and difficult. I accidentally came across quillig (looking for something else entirely) and fell in love at the first sight of a beautiful patchwork of various shapes made ​​of paper. I immediately tried to find some information about quillingu in Croatia. The result was nothing. No one publicly has not dealt with this. I'm not nothing left but to seek "the world." I spent hours and hours looking for advice for beginners, exploring other people's blogs and YouTube, made a "home-made" tool,  cut  hundredth strips with a scalpel. I have not given up even though it seemed like an impossible mission.

From the beginning, I was satisfied with my work. I'm always wore a dose of creativity, but I have not used it too much. I wanted to show my creations to the world. How? Who ever knew about my blog? But I know so many wonderful blogs that have been my source of knowledge! I politely left comments on those blogs with a request to visit my address. Many have responded, and so it started. Little by little, more comments, more incentives, more dear friends.

As in the beginning, I want to thank all the wonderful and helpful people for their help and advice. Their generosity in sharing knowledge has made my life better and more beautiful.
Their blogs can be found in the list of blogs that I follow, and some of them are presented in my list of favorites.

With all this, I'm turning on FB and met more people. Communication is easier and faster there, so blogs may be "out of fashion". But I hope that we will survive and continue along.

Quilling is embellished my life and I can only regret that I have not discovered it before!

I wish you and myself a lot of creative years.

nedjelja, 13. siječnja 2013.

Okvir br. 2 ( Frame No 2)

Eto, baš sam se zaigrala sa ovim foto okvirima. Tko zna koliko će ih još biti! Na ovom su boje malo intenzivnije (ah, radila sam sa onim što sam trenutno imala na raspolaganju u zalihama).

Okay, I'm as played with the photo frames. Who knows how many more will be! Here are some more intense colors (ah, I worked with what I currently have available in stock).

ponedjeljak, 7. siječnja 2013.

Okvir (Frame)

Za početak godine nešto što još nisam radila.  Okvirić za fotografiju. Koristi li ih uopće još netko?
Dakle, puno je uputstava na internetu pomoću kojih ovo možete i sami napraviti. Ja sam odabrala uputstva majstorice recikliranja i DIY radova Dr. Sonie čiji blog redovito pratim.

Naravno, okvir je ukrašen quilling tehnikom.

To begin this year, I did something I had not worked so far. The frame for the photo. Does anyone still use photos?
So, there are lots of instructions on the internet through which you can do this. I chose the master of recycling and DIY work, Dr Sonia
.   I regularly follow her blog.

 Of course, the frame is decorated with quilling technique.

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