Danas sam primila još jednu blog nagradu od drage prijateljice Marije. To se tako lijepo poklopilo sa jučerašnjom godišnjicom!
Today I received another blog award from a dear friend Maria. It is so nice to have coincided with yesterday's anniversary!
(Thanks Maria)
E sad, trebalo je odabrati 7 blogova sa 50-tak sjedbenika (dakle malih blogova) i proslijediti im nagradu. Srećom, slijedim i male i nove blogove samo ih je trebalo pronaći u mojem velikom popisu.
Now, I had to choose 7 blogs with less than 50 followers (so, small blogs) and forward them the prize. Fortunately, I follow small and new blogs, just had to find them in my big list. However, one of them is a little crossed the default number, but what about now?
Dakle, istražite ove blogove i slijedite ih. Svakako su zaslužili!
So, explore these blogs and follow them. Certainly they deserve it!
Dakle, nagrada je "inspiracija".
Želim vam svima puno uspjeha, entuzijazma i inspiracije. Ovim putem vam iskazujem moje poštovanje prema vašem radu!
So, the award means "inspiration"'!
Whish you success, enthusiasm and a lot of inspiration to all of you! In this way I show my appreciation and
love to your beautiful work!
- thank to the person that gave you award
- put a link of her blog in your blog
- put in your blog the logo of the award
- give the award to 7 blogs with less than 50 members
- put a links to this blogs
- inform these people that they received the award
- write 7 thing (facts) for youself
I na kraju 7 stvari o meni: (hmmmm)
And finally, 7 things about me: (hmmmm)
1. Jako sam tolerantna osoba - I'm very tolerant person
2. Jako mi smeta nepravda i nepoštenje - I'm very bothered by injustice and dishonesty
3. Ne dijelim ljude prema boji kože, porijeklu ili religiji - I do not divide people by skin color, origin or religion
4. Nestrpljiva sam i zahtjevna - I'm impatient and demanding
5. Bojim se da neću imati vremena za sve što želim - I am afraid that I will not have time for everything I want
6. Skeptična - Skeptic
7. Volim samoću i tišinu - I like to be alone, and I love the silence