Dobrodošli! (Welcome!)
Odlučila sam staviti i ovaj blog u funkciju, iz poštovanja prema svim posjetiteljima koji ne mogu ostavljati komentare na matičnom blogu . Nadam se da ću imati dovoljno vremena za dvostruko uređivanje.
I decided to put this blog to function, out of respect to all the visitors who can not leave comments on the blog home. I hope to have enough time for double editing.
I decided to put this blog to function, out of respect to all the visitors who can not leave comments on the blog home. I hope to have enough time for double editing.
četvrtak, 25. prosinca 2014.
nedjelja, 23. studenoga 2014.
Vatrena lubanja - Skull on fire
Ovo je bio veliki izazov. Ispuniti želju prema slici sa interneta za jednog tinejdžera ( dečko moje mlađe kćeri). Trajalo je dugo, ali mislim da se je isplatilo.
This was a big challenge. To fulfill a wish by image from the Internet for a teenager (my younger daughter boyfriend). It took a long time, but I think it is worth it.
This was a big challenge. To fulfill a wish by image from the Internet for a teenager (my younger daughter boyfriend). It took a long time, but I think it is worth it.
četvrtak, 16. listopada 2014.
Beautiful beast...
Konačno! Prekrasna zvijer za moju mlađu kćer. Rađeno prema slici Rachel Caldwell.
Finally! A beautiful beast for my younger daughter. Made by image of Rachel Caldwell.
Finally! A beautiful beast for my younger daughter. Made by image of Rachel Caldwell.
srijeda, 14. svibnja 2014.
Čestitka za Ariana - Greeting card for Arian
Uskoro će krštenje mojeg malog nećaka Ariana.
Tom prigodom napravila sam elegantnu čestitku prema ideji Krasimire Radeve i s njezinim dopuštenjem. Hvala joj na tome. Naime, čim sam vidjela njen rad svidjela mi se ideja prozračnosti i čipkastog uzorka pa sam joj uputila molbu za korištenjem ideje. Naravno, u većini slučajeva, prijatelji quilleri pozitivno odgovore na ljubazan zahtjev, a za uzvrat dobiju javno priznanje za inspiraciju. Barem bi tako trebalo biti.
Kao što vidite, čestitka je "višeslojna" s ukomponiranom koverticom za novčeke. U unutrašnjosti "korica" s lijeve strane planiram napisati posvetu i to je to. Naravno, napunit ću kovertu.
Soon there will be christening of my little nephew Arian.
On this occasion I made an elegant greeting card by the idea of Krasimira Radeva and with her permission. Thank her for that. In fact, as soon as I saw her work I liked the idea of airiness and lace pattern so I sent her a request for using the idea. Of course, in most cases, quiller friends respond positively to the kindly request and, in return , receive public recognition for inspiration. At least it should be so.
As you can see, the card is a "multi-layered" with inserted small envelope for money. Inside the "sheath" on the left I plan to write a dedication, and that's it. Of course, I will fill the envelope.
Tom prigodom napravila sam elegantnu čestitku prema ideji Krasimire Radeve i s njezinim dopuštenjem. Hvala joj na tome. Naime, čim sam vidjela njen rad svidjela mi se ideja prozračnosti i čipkastog uzorka pa sam joj uputila molbu za korištenjem ideje. Naravno, u većini slučajeva, prijatelji quilleri pozitivno odgovore na ljubazan zahtjev, a za uzvrat dobiju javno priznanje za inspiraciju. Barem bi tako trebalo biti.
Kao što vidite, čestitka je "višeslojna" s ukomponiranom koverticom za novčeke. U unutrašnjosti "korica" s lijeve strane planiram napisati posvetu i to je to. Naravno, napunit ću kovertu.
Soon there will be christening of my little nephew Arian.
On this occasion I made an elegant greeting card by the idea of Krasimira Radeva and with her permission. Thank her for that. In fact, as soon as I saw her work I liked the idea of airiness and lace pattern so I sent her a request for using the idea. Of course, in most cases, quiller friends respond positively to the kindly request and, in return , receive public recognition for inspiration. At least it should be so.
As you can see, the card is a "multi-layered" with inserted small envelope for money. Inside the "sheath" on the left I plan to write a dedication, and that's it. Of course, I will fill the envelope.
nedjelja, 11. svibnja 2014.
Čestitke za krštenje - Cards for Christening
Ne trebam puno objašnjavati... Prigodne čestitke za djevojčice i dječake povodom krštenja.
I do not need much to explain ... Greetings for girls and boys on the occasion of christening.
ponedjeljak, 28. travnja 2014.
nedjelja, 27. travnja 2014.
Kolica-kutijica - Baby carriage - box
Malo se igram ovih dana. Evo malih dječjih kolica koja mogu poslužiti kao kutijica za tradicionalni poklon za prvi posjet novorođenčetu (dar u novcu ili kutijicu sa zlatom). Uz prijašnja plava koja sam napravila prije određenog vremena, baš su zgodan par.
Just playing these days. Here's a small baby carriage that can serve as a box for a traditional gift for a first visit to the newborn (cash or gift box with gold). With previous blue that I made some time ago, they make a cute couple.
Just playing these days. Here's a small baby carriage that can serve as a box for a traditional gift for a first visit to the newborn (cash or gift box with gold). With previous blue that I made some time ago, they make a cute couple.
subota, 26. travnja 2014.
petak, 25. travnja 2014.
Vrijeme sakramenata (drugi dio) - Time for sacraments (part two)
Danas čestitke za sakrament Prve pričesti. Znam da idem krivim redosljedom što se tiče primanja sakramenata, ali što mogu? Tako funkcionira moja kreativnost!
Namjerno sam fotografirala pod različitim kutevima svjetla da sagledate sjajnu teksturu podloge.
Today: cards for first Holy Communion. I know I'm going the wrong order for the reception of the sacraments, but what can I do? Creativity works on this principle to me!
I deliberately photographed under different angles of light that you can better see shiny texture of surface.
Namjerno sam fotografirala pod različitim kutevima svjetla da sagledate sjajnu teksturu podloge.
Today: cards for first Holy Communion. I know I'm going the wrong order for the reception of the sacraments, but what can I do? Creativity works on this principle to me!
I deliberately photographed under different angles of light that you can better see shiny texture of surface.
srijeda, 23. travnja 2014.
Vrijeme sakramenata - Time for sacraments
Dolazi vrijeme crkvenih sakramenata... Prva pričest, sveta potvrda (krizma). U skladu sa tim malo prigodnih čestitki.
Ove su za svetu potvrdu ili krizmu.
(Moram konstatirati da bih voljela imati foto kutiju da fotografije ispadnu korektnih boja. Ovako, nijanse nikad nisu originalne, tako je i ova zlatna u stvarnosti puno svjetlija nego se ovdje čini.)
Time is coming of church sacraments ... First Communion, Holy confirmation. In accordance with these, some greeting cards.
These are for the holy confirmation.
(I have to say that I'd like to have a photo box that pictures come out of correct color. Thus, the shades are never original, so is the gold actually much brighter than it does here.)
Ove su za svetu potvrdu ili krizmu.
(Moram konstatirati da bih voljela imati foto kutiju da fotografije ispadnu korektnih boja. Ovako, nijanse nikad nisu originalne, tako je i ova zlatna u stvarnosti puno svjetlija nego se ovdje čini.)
Time is coming of church sacraments ... First Communion, Holy confirmation. In accordance with these, some greeting cards.
These are for the holy confirmation.
(I have to say that I'd like to have a photo box that pictures come out of correct color. Thus, the shades are never original, so is the gold actually much brighter than it does here.)
petak, 18. travnja 2014.
Sretan Uskrs! - Happy Easter!
18 dana trajala je ova avantura. Vrijeme mi je prebrzo prolazilo i mislila sam da neću uspjeti. Ipak jesam. Tako se sutra mogu posvetiti kolačima, šunki i pisanicama.
Probala sam bilježiti sve faze izrade. Primjetit ćete da slike nisu iste kvalite. Slikane su za radnim stolom. Završeni rad slikan je na uobičajenom mjestu i boje su tu vjernije originalu.
Pa krenimo redom...
18 days took this adventure. My time is passing too fast, and I thought that I would not succeed. However I am. So tomorrow I can devote to cakes, ham and eggs.
I tried to record all stages of production. You will notice that the pictures are not of the same quality. They are taken at a desk. Completed work is photographed at the usual place and the colors are true to the original.
So first things first ...
U početku bijaše jaje od stiropora i svaka je polovica omotana prijanjajućim folijom.
In the beginning was the Styrofoam egg and each half was wrapped in an adhesive foil.
Namotaji su se pretvorili u male kupole...
Coils are turned into small domes ...
Probala sam bilježiti sve faze izrade. Primjetit ćete da slike nisu iste kvalite. Slikane su za radnim stolom. Završeni rad slikan je na uobičajenom mjestu i boje su tu vjernije originalu.
Pa krenimo redom...
18 days took this adventure. My time is passing too fast, and I thought that I would not succeed. However I am. So tomorrow I can devote to cakes, ham and eggs.
I tried to record all stages of production. You will notice that the pictures are not of the same quality. They are taken at a desk. Completed work is photographed at the usual place and the colors are true to the original.
So first things first ...
U početku bijaše jaje od stiropora i svaka je polovica omotana prijanjajućim folijom.
In the beginning was the Styrofoam egg and each half was wrapped in an adhesive foil.
Onda je bilo puno namotaja...
Then there were lots of coils ...
Namotaji su se pretvorili u male kupole...
Coils are turned into small domes ...
I krenulo je slaganje i oblikovanje. Bilo je puno pokušaja i pogrešaka dok nisam dobila dizajn koji mi je bio prihvatljiv. Željela sam prozračniji gornji dio, više elegancije, ali sam zaključila da bi to bio rizik s obzirom na veličinu, a zaista nisam željela da se cijela konstrukcija raspadne nakon skidanja sa kalupa.
I started stacking and shaping. There was a lot of trial and error until I had a design that was acceptable to me. I wanted more diffused upper part, more elegance, but I figured it would be a risk with regard to size, and really did not want to have the whole structure falls apart after removing it from the mold.
Nakon dvostrukog lakiranja došao je red na skidanje sa kalupa...
Ali prije toga, napravila sam početni red druge polovice...
After double-varnishing, time has come to lift the mold ...
But before that, I made the starting line of the second half ...
Dakle, oslobodila sam krajeve folije i prvo izvukla stiropor. Konstrukcija je ostala na foliji i oblik se nije promijenio. Lagano sam skinula prijanjajuću foliju i na moje veliko zadovoljstvo nije došlo do raspadanja na komadiće!
So, I broke free ends of the foil and first pulled Styrofoam. Construction remains on the foil and shape has not changed. Gently I removed the foil and to my great pleasure there was no decomposition into pieces!
Izrada druge polovice bila je puno jednostavnija iako je trebalo puno namotajčića koje sam morala prilagođavati ovalnoj formi jajeta. Odlučila sam donji dio kutije napraviti kompaktnijim kako eventualni sadržaj ne bi ispadao kroz otvore. Dakle, slagala sam namotaje jedan do drugoga.
Making the second half was much simpler, although it took a lot coils that I had to adapt to the oval shape of the egg. I chose the lower part of the box make more compact, so the content does not fall through the holes. So, I'm stacking coils to each other.
Preostalo je napraviti potporanj kako bi kutija stajala ravno, a onda sve to smjestiti na neku podlogu. Odabrala sam okruglu kartonsku podlogu, obojila ju bojom starog zlata, ukrasila ju sa jednostavnim cvjetovima i perlicama i to je to.
Ima je još jedna stvar koju nisam napravila a to je mehanizam na poklopcu koji bi oba dijela držao na mjestu i onemogućio da poklopac nekontrolirano sklizne. Najjednostavnije bi bilo komadićem tkanine na jednom mjestu spojiti oba dijela i da ta tkanina preuzme ulogu šarnira (šarke ili panta). Moram još malo razmisliti o drugim mogućnostima.
It was necessary make prop to keep the box standing straight, and then all placed on a surface. I chose a round cardboard base, painted it the color of old gold, decorated it with simple flowers and beads and that's it.
There is another thing that I have not done. A mechanism that would cover both parts held in place and prevented cover from sliding uncontrollably. The simplest would be a piece of cloth in one place to connect both parts and that the fabric takes over the role of the hinge. I still have to think about other possibilities.
Na mojem dlanu, da dobijete osjećaj veličine.
On my palm, to provide proof of size.
Ukrasi i izgled potpornja.
Ornaments and prop.
Sretan Uskrs i uživajte u blagdanu!
Happy Easter and enjoy the feast!
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