Ovakve rolice mogu biti višenamjenske. Ove su predviđeni kao držači salveta.
These rolls can be multipurpose. These are provided as a napkin holder.
Želim vam svima sretnu, uspješnu i kreativnu 2013.!
I wish you all a happy, successful and creative 2013th!
Dobrodošli! (Welcome!)
Odlučila sam staviti i ovaj blog u funkciju, iz poštovanja prema svim posjetiteljima koji ne mogu ostavljati komentare na matičnom blogu . Nadam se da ću imati dovoljno vremena za dvostruko uređivanje.
I decided to put this blog to function, out of respect to all the visitors who can not leave comments on the blog home. I hope to have enough time for double editing.
I decided to put this blog to function, out of respect to all the visitors who can not leave comments on the blog home. I hope to have enough time for double editing.
nedjelja, 30. prosinca 2012.
srijeda, 26. prosinca 2012.
Zadnji Božićni ukras ove godine (Last Christmas decoration this year)
Ovaj je ukras napravljen prije Božića, ali nije mogao biti objavljen prije uručivanja osobi kojoj je namijenjen. Podloga je plastična kugla promjera 10 cm.
This ornament was made before Christmas, but could not be released before handing the person to whom it is intended. The substrate is a plastic ball diameter of 10 cm.
This ornament was made before Christmas, but could not be released before handing the person to whom it is intended. The substrate is a plastic ball diameter of 10 cm.
subota, 15. prosinca 2012.
ponedjeljak, 3. prosinca 2012.
It's Christmas time...
Prvi plavo-srebrni božićni bor je osvojio vaša srca. Zato još malo plavo-srebrnog ugođaja.
The first blue and silver Christmas tree has won your hearts. Therefore, a little more blue-silver ambiance.
I sasvim drugačije - crveno.
And quite different - red.
A da ne zaboravimo onaj stil sa naljepnicama...
And not to forget that style with stickers ...
The first blue and silver Christmas tree has won your hearts. Therefore, a little more blue-silver ambiance.
I sasvim drugačije - crveno.
And quite different - red.
A da ne zaboravimo onaj stil sa naljepnicama...
And not to forget that style with stickers ...
subota, 1. prosinca 2012.
Božićne čestitke 3. dio (Christmas cards part 3)
I na kraju još malo Božićnih ukrasa, inspiriranih preslatkim ukrasima koje je osmislila Monica Raceala. Objava je odobrena od strane autora! Hvala Monica!
And finally a little Christmas ornaments, inspired by Monica Raceala . Publication was approved by the author! Thank you Monica!
utorak, 27. studenoga 2012.
Blog nagrada - Blog award
Dobila sam ovu nagradicu od drage blogerice Bojane. Ovo je moja prva takva nagrada i jako me je razveselila. Cilj je, kao što kaže Bojana, družiti se i pronalaziti srodne ljude, dijeliti ideje i prijateljstvo. Tako brišemo sve granice i razlike i činimo svijet boljim.
A sad teži dio: odabir blogova koje ću ja nagraditi. Ja bih najradije nagradila sve blogove koje pratim, no moram izabrati svega nekoliko, pa oni koji sada ne uđu u izbor, dolaze u obzir drugi puta!
I received this award from dear blogger Bojana. It's my first award like this and it really made me feel better. The goal is, as Bojana says, socialize and find similar people to share ideas and friendship. With that we are deleting all boundaries and differences and making the world a better place.
Now the hard part: choosing blogs that I will reward. I would prefer to reward all the blogs that I follow, but I have to choose just a few, and for those who don't enter in shortlist, you'll come to mind next time!
Cooky - čiji je blog sladak u pravom smislu riječi! Kod nje je sve poslastica! (her blog is sweet in the true sense of the word, everything there is a treat)
Kristina - vesela i svestrana kreativka od koje se može mnogo naučiti! (cheerful and
versatile creative person from whom you can learn a lot)
Suzana - maštovita i puna sjajnih ideja! (imaginative and full of bright ideas)
Dr Sonia - izuzetna u recikliranju i DIY tehnici! (exceptional in recycling and DIY technique)
Cristina - uvijek iznenađujuća, spretna, maštovita (always surprising, skillful, imaginative)
Uživajte u njihovim blogovima! (Enjoy in their blogs)
nedjelja, 25. studenoga 2012.
Božićne čestitke 2. dio (Christmas cards part 2)
Ovaj puta malo drugačije. Naišla sam u trgovini na ove kičaste naljepnice i nisam odoljela. Božić je i onako prepun šarenila i ja moram priznati da volim taj "kič". Ali kako je quillling moja opsesija, naravno da sam ga dodala uz naljepnice.
Šareno, kičasto i djetinjasto! Ne mora se svima sviđati, ali mene je baš razveselilo!
This time a little different cards. I saw this kitschy stickers in the store and I did not resist. Christmas is so full of colors and I have to admit that I love that "kitsch". But quillling is my obsession, and, of course, I added Quilling to the stickers.
Colorful, kitschy and childish! Not everyone has to like it, but I was quite pleased!
Šareno, kičasto i djetinjasto! Ne mora se svima sviđati, ali mene je baš razveselilo!
This time a little different cards. I saw this kitschy stickers in the store and I did not resist. Christmas is so full of colors and I have to admit that I love that "kitsch". But quillling is my obsession, and, of course, I added Quilling to the stickers.
Colorful, kitschy and childish! Not everyone has to like it, but I was quite pleased!
subota, 24. studenoga 2012.
Božićne čestitke (Christmas cards)
Ovo su prve ovogodišnje Božićne čestitke inspirirane mnogim prekrasnim radovima mojih prijatelja širom svijeta.
These are the first of this year's Christmas cards inspired by the many wonderful works of my friends around the world.
These are the first of this year's Christmas cards inspired by the many wonderful works of my friends around the world.
subota, 17. studenoga 2012.
Projekt koji je počeo sa Rajni... (The project, which began with Rajni...)
Započela sam ovaj rad prije nekog vremena, kao rođendansko iznenađenje za dragu FB i blog prijateljicu Rajni.
Tada je to izgledalo ovako:
I began this work some time ago, as a birthday surprise for a dear FB and blog friend Rajni.
Then it looked like this:
S obzirom da joj buket nisam mogla osobno uručiti, odlučile smo ga pustiti da raste. Mislim da je dovoljno narasao i da je vrijeme da upozna svijet.
I could not personally give her a bouquet, so we decided to let it grow. I think it's big enough and it's time to show it.
Hvala Rajni!
Thanks Rajni!
Tada je to izgledalo ovako:
I began this work some time ago, as a birthday surprise for a dear FB and blog friend Rajni.
Then it looked like this:
S obzirom da joj buket nisam mogla osobno uručiti, odlučile smo ga pustiti da raste. Mislim da je dovoljno narasao i da je vrijeme da upozna svijet.
I could not personally give her a bouquet, so we decided to let it grow. I think it's big enough and it's time to show it.
Hvala Rajni!
Thanks Rajni!
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