Konačno, nakon dulje stanke, jedan novi uradak. Ovo je odgovor na izazov u jednoj grupi za quilling. Samo da pokažem da ja to mogu. Istina je da sam izmijenila dizajn originalnog predloška, ali to kreativci rade zar ne?
Da ne duljim dalje, pogledajte detalje i gotovo djelo. Isprika radi lošijih fotografija gotove slike u okviru i staklu. Nisam profesionalac za fotografiju, a i fotić nije baš nešto.
Finally, after a long pause, a new piece of work. This is a response to the challenge in a group of quilling. Just to show that I can do it. It is true that I have changed the design of the original template, but it's creative work is not it?
Look at the details and the finished work. Apology for poorer photos of finished picture in frame with the glass. I'm not a pro in photography, and my camera was not that good.