Zahvaljujem Lauri na preslatkim nagradama.
Thank you Laura for the lovely prizes.
Kako je dalji odabir primatelja veoma težak, prosljeđujem nagrade svim mojim redovitim posjetiteljima!
As a further selection of recipients is very difficult, I'm giving away this prizes to all my regular visitors!
Dobrodošli! (Welcome!)
Odlučila sam staviti i ovaj blog u funkciju, iz poštovanja prema svim posjetiteljima koji ne mogu ostavljati komentare na matičnom blogu . Nadam se da ću imati dovoljno vremena za dvostruko uređivanje.
I decided to put this blog to function, out of respect to all the visitors who can not leave comments on the blog home. I hope to have enough time for double editing.
I decided to put this blog to function, out of respect to all the visitors who can not leave comments on the blog home. I hope to have enough time for double editing.
subota, 30. ožujka 2013.
petak, 22. ožujka 2013.
Ptice za mamu - Birds for my mom
Konačno sam, nakon dugog vremena, ispunila obećanje mojoj mami i napravila treću sliku za njezin dnevni boravak. Umjesto cvjetnih motiva, ovaj puta sam se odlučila na ptice. Inspirirali su me mnogi prekrasni radovi koje sam vidjela.
Finally, after a long time, I have fulfilled my promise to my mother and made the third frame for her living room. Instead of floral motifs, this time I decided for the birds. I was inspired by the many wonderful works that I saw.
Ali, poklopilo se, da sam odabrala identičan predložak drage quillerice Simone Elene. Shvatila sam to na pola puta. Dakle, s obzirom da je Simona prva realizirala motiv, sve zasluge za inspiraciju i ideju idu njoj.
Hvala Simona Elena!
But coincided, I chose an identical template as dear Quiller Simona Elena. I realized it halfway. So, given that Simona first realized the motive, all credit goes to her for inspiration and ideas.
Thank you Simona Elena!
Započela sam sa skicom.
I started with the sketch.
Onda sam negdje na pola puta shvatila da radim isti predložak...
Then at the halfway I realized that I'm doing the same template...
Odlučila sam riskirati i nastaviti do kraja uz davanje priznanja originalnom autoru. Nadam se da me quilling zajednica neće razapeti radi toga! ;)
I decided to take the plunge and go to the end and give the credit for original author. I hope that I will not be crucified by quilling community because of this ;)
Eto, iako je "lažnjak" mislim da će ova slika ipak razveseliti moju mamu.
So, although the "fake" I think that this picture will cheer my mom.
Finally, after a long time, I have fulfilled my promise to my mother and made the third frame for her living room. Instead of floral motifs, this time I decided for the birds. I was inspired by the many wonderful works that I saw.
Ali, poklopilo se, da sam odabrala identičan predložak drage quillerice Simone Elene. Shvatila sam to na pola puta. Dakle, s obzirom da je Simona prva realizirala motiv, sve zasluge za inspiraciju i ideju idu njoj.
Hvala Simona Elena!
But coincided, I chose an identical template as dear Quiller Simona Elena. I realized it halfway. So, given that Simona first realized the motive, all credit goes to her for inspiration and ideas.
Thank you Simona Elena!
Započela sam sa skicom.
I started with the sketch.
Onda sam negdje na pola puta shvatila da radim isti predložak...
Then at the halfway I realized that I'm doing the same template...
Odlučila sam riskirati i nastaviti do kraja uz davanje priznanja originalnom autoru. Nadam se da me quilling zajednica neće razapeti radi toga! ;)
I decided to take the plunge and go to the end and give the credit for original author. I hope that I will not be crucified by quilling community because of this ;)
Eto, iako je "lažnjak" mislim da će ova slika ipak razveseliti moju mamu.
So, although the "fake" I think that this picture will cheer my mom.
srijeda, 13. ožujka 2013.
Kućni ljubimci - ponovo (Pets - again )
Rađeno po narudžbi.
Za jednu zlatnu retrivericu Zaru
Za plavu rusku mačku
Made by order
For one golden retriever Zara
For Russian blue cat
Za jednu zlatnu retrivericu Zaru
Za plavu rusku mačku
Made by order
For one golden retriever Zara
For Russian blue cat
petak, 8. ožujka 2013.
Proljeće u Maloj Veneciji - Spring in the Little Venice
Nakon prvog izazova u kvilanju slova, (moj CreActiviy nagrađen na Priteshinom blogu) dugo nisam pokušavala slično. Ovaj projekt je trajao nekoliko dana i bio je dosta mukotrpan, a evo i zašto:
Logo koji sam imala bio je dosta malen, a takav font slova nemam u računalu. Dakle, trebalo je natpis što vjernije uvećati. Krenula sam sa iscrtavanjem na crvenom papiru, izrezala slova i... bila su prevelika za podlogu koju sam imala! Tko mi je kriv kad nisam mjerila. Drugi pokušaj: sve ispočetka, malo umanjeno od prvotnog. Mjere odgovaraju. Izrezujem slova. Na karton (valoviti) ljepim komad ravnog kartona (hamera), zaljepim slova i sve ostavim preko noći pod težom kutijom. Sljedeći dan - katastrofa! Umjesto da se sve skupa lijepo izravna i sljepi, rezultat je iskrivljeni papir pun "mjehura"! Još jedan promašaj. Idem ispočetka i nadam se onome: treća - sreća! Ovaj put odlučim izbjeći mukotrpno izrezivanje slova. Crtam ih na bijelom papiru koji će odmah biti i podloga i obojim ih u crveno. Zaljepim sve na ravni 2mm karton i ostavim preko noći. Rezultat zadovoljavajući. Dakle, konačno sam mogla započeti sa izradom.
After the first challenge in making the letters (my CreActiviy rewarded Pritesh blog) I have not done something similar. This project lasted for several days and was quite arduous, and here's why:
Logo that I had was quite small, and such a font I have not on my PC. So, I'm supposed to draw and magnify it more accurately. I started drawing on red paper, cut out letters ... were too large for the surface that I had! Who is to blame when I did not measure? Second attempt: everything from scratch, a little less than the first time. Appropriate measures. Cuts letters. On the cardboard (corrugated), glue a piece of flat cardboard (poster board), glue the letters and leave everything overnight under heavier case. The next day - a disaster! Instead of being all together nicely aligned, the result is a distorted paper full of "bubbles"! Another failure. I go over and I hope things: third - luck! This time I decided to avoid the painstakingly cutting letters. I draw them on a white paper that will be the base and paint them red. Glue everything on 2mm cardboard and leave overnight. The result is satisfactory. So, finally I could start working.
O čemu je riječ?
Udruga Mašlek (čiji sam član) povremeno uređuje neke izloge u gradu. Među njima je i izlog slastičarne Mala Venecija u Martićevoj ulici u Zagrebu. S obzirom da su bili zadovoljni našim trudom u vrijeme Božića, poželjeli su dalju suradnju. Dakle, proljeće dolazi, a i Uskrs je blizu, pa se nadam da ćemo se na vrijeme angažirati i ispuniti njihov izlog bojama proljeća! Ovaj projekt će biti moj mali doprinos. Nazovimo ga "Proljeće u Maloj Veneciji"
What is it?
Mašlek Association (creative association of which I am a member) occasionally edited some shop windows in the city. Among them is a showcase of the patisserie called Little Venice in Martićeva street in Zagreb. Given that they were pleased with our effort at Christmas time, they wanted to further cooperation. So, spring is coming, and Easter is near, so I hope that we will be on time to hire and fill their showcase with the colors of spring! This project will be my small contribution. Let's call it "Spring in the Little Venice"
Treći početak (zaboravimo prva dva):
The third start (do not remember the first two):
Malo po malo do konačnog izgleda:
Step by step to the final look:
Logo koji sam imala bio je dosta malen, a takav font slova nemam u računalu. Dakle, trebalo je natpis što vjernije uvećati. Krenula sam sa iscrtavanjem na crvenom papiru, izrezala slova i... bila su prevelika za podlogu koju sam imala! Tko mi je kriv kad nisam mjerila. Drugi pokušaj: sve ispočetka, malo umanjeno od prvotnog. Mjere odgovaraju. Izrezujem slova. Na karton (valoviti) ljepim komad ravnog kartona (hamera), zaljepim slova i sve ostavim preko noći pod težom kutijom. Sljedeći dan - katastrofa! Umjesto da se sve skupa lijepo izravna i sljepi, rezultat je iskrivljeni papir pun "mjehura"! Još jedan promašaj. Idem ispočetka i nadam se onome: treća - sreća! Ovaj put odlučim izbjeći mukotrpno izrezivanje slova. Crtam ih na bijelom papiru koji će odmah biti i podloga i obojim ih u crveno. Zaljepim sve na ravni 2mm karton i ostavim preko noći. Rezultat zadovoljavajući. Dakle, konačno sam mogla započeti sa izradom.
After the first challenge in making the letters (my CreActiviy rewarded Pritesh blog) I have not done something similar. This project lasted for several days and was quite arduous, and here's why:
Logo that I had was quite small, and such a font I have not on my PC. So, I'm supposed to draw and magnify it more accurately. I started drawing on red paper, cut out letters ... were too large for the surface that I had! Who is to blame when I did not measure? Second attempt: everything from scratch, a little less than the first time. Appropriate measures. Cuts letters. On the cardboard (corrugated), glue a piece of flat cardboard (poster board), glue the letters and leave everything overnight under heavier case. The next day - a disaster! Instead of being all together nicely aligned, the result is a distorted paper full of "bubbles"! Another failure. I go over and I hope things: third - luck! This time I decided to avoid the painstakingly cutting letters. I draw them on a white paper that will be the base and paint them red. Glue everything on 2mm cardboard and leave overnight. The result is satisfactory. So, finally I could start working.
O čemu je riječ?
Udruga Mašlek (čiji sam član) povremeno uređuje neke izloge u gradu. Među njima je i izlog slastičarne Mala Venecija u Martićevoj ulici u Zagrebu. S obzirom da su bili zadovoljni našim trudom u vrijeme Božića, poželjeli su dalju suradnju. Dakle, proljeće dolazi, a i Uskrs je blizu, pa se nadam da ćemo se na vrijeme angažirati i ispuniti njihov izlog bojama proljeća! Ovaj projekt će biti moj mali doprinos. Nazovimo ga "Proljeće u Maloj Veneciji"
What is it?
Mašlek Association (creative association of which I am a member) occasionally edited some shop windows in the city. Among them is a showcase of the patisserie called Little Venice in Martićeva street in Zagreb. Given that they were pleased with our effort at Christmas time, they wanted to further cooperation. So, spring is coming, and Easter is near, so I hope that we will be on time to hire and fill their showcase with the colors of spring! This project will be my small contribution. Let's call it "Spring in the Little Venice"
Treći početak (zaboravimo prva dva):
The third start (do not remember the first two):
Malo po malo do konačnog izgleda:
Step by step to the final look:
subota, 2. ožujka 2013.
Čestitke za bebe - Baby cards
Ovakve sam čestitke sada napravila prvi puta. Motivi stopica i kolica su uobičajeni kod quillera pa sam ih i ja iskoristila. Dakle, svaka govori za sebe: plava za dečkića, a ružićasta za curicu.
These greetings I did the first time. The motive of the foot and carts are common in Quiller world, including here. So, each speaks for itself: blue for the little boy (welcome), and pink for a girl (a star is born).
These greetings I did the first time. The motive of the foot and carts are common in Quiller world, including here. So, each speaks for itself: blue for the little boy (welcome), and pink for a girl (a star is born).
![]() |
Welcome |
![]() |
A star is born |
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