Baš sam se zaigrala sa ovim motivima i jako me vesele.
Istina, svaka ova čestitka zahtijeva trud veći od uobičajene čestitke, jer većinu motiva radim tehnikom grafičkog quillinga i ljepim trakice okomito na papir. Oni koji su upućeni znaju koliko je to kompliciranije od standardnog quillinga. Zato unaprijed molim za oprost radi pojedinih greškica ili vidljivih linija ostalih od skice.
I was just played with these motives and I am very happy.
True, each of this card requires effort greater than the usual greetings. Most of the motifs am I doing with graphic quilling technique and I glue the strips perpendicular to the paper. Those who are familiar with quilling know how this way is more complicated than the standard quilling. So I ask for forgiveness for particular faults or visible lines remaining from drafts.
Dobrodošli! (Welcome!)
Odlučila sam staviti i ovaj blog u funkciju, iz poštovanja prema svim posjetiteljima koji ne mogu ostavljati komentare na matičnom blogu . Nadam se da ću imati dovoljno vremena za dvostruko uređivanje.
I decided to put this blog to function, out of respect to all the visitors who can not leave comments on the blog home. I hope to have enough time for double editing.
I decided to put this blog to function, out of respect to all the visitors who can not leave comments on the blog home. I hope to have enough time for double editing.
utorak, 19. veljače 2013.
subota, 16. veljače 2013.
Za kućne ljubimce - For pets
Imate li kućnog ljubimca? Volite li kućne ljubimce? Netko od vaših prijatelja ima kućnog ljubimca? Rezveselite ih originalnom čestitkom!
Do you have a pet? Do you like pets? Any of your friends have a pet? Make them happy with the original card!
Ovo je, nadam se, samo početak jedne lijepe suradnje.
This is, I hope, just the beginning of a beautiful collaboration.
Do you have a pet? Do you like pets? Any of your friends have a pet? Make them happy with the original card!
This is, I hope, just the beginning of a beautiful collaboration.
ponedjeljak, 11. veljače 2013.
Za zaljubljene... (For those in love ...)
Valentinovo je sve bliže, pa u skladu s time evo i nekoliko prigodnih čestitki.
Valentine's Day is getting closer, and in accordance with that here are a few
appropriate greetings.
Valentine's Day is getting closer, and in accordance with that here are a few
appropriate greetings.
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Originalni motiv pripada Suzani. Hvala na odobrenju. |
ponedjeljak, 4. veljače 2013.
Ukrašena drvena kutijica - Decorated wooden box
Još malo prigodnih ukrasa za predstojeće Valentinovo. Drvene kutijice koje sam davno dobila konačno su došle na red. Ovo je rezultat.
A little more appropriate decorations for the upcoming Valentine's Day. Wooden box I was given a long time ago, have finally come to order. This is the result.
A little more appropriate decorations for the upcoming Valentine's Day. Wooden box I was given a long time ago, have finally come to order. This is the result.
petak, 1. veljače 2013.
Čestitka -slika uz dodatak stihova (Cards with lyrics)
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